Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Trust is one hard thing that isn’t easily given away. On like take-away, trust is hard to give and hard to earn. Everybody at a point in our life time has trusted. Even the ones who find it hard to trust [as a result of various deceptions] have learned how to trust.
The questions to ask are:
1.       Can we trust everybody?
2.       Is it right to trust people?
3.       Lastly, who can I trust?
These questions are what trouble a lot of us, and we find it hard to explain.
Let us look at the questions. But first, what is trust?
TRUST: meaning, your total reliance on someone. That is, your firm belief in someone’s ability and reliability. This means a trusted person is that person you firmly believe in on a particular matter or issue. That person you have faith in his/her able-ness and ability. Most of us know this but few have fully comprehended this. The more we find it hard to grasp, the more harm we receive from it.

What most people don’t know is that the quality of trust in every relationship differs and also determines the strength of the relationship. Trust can harm the one who give it, and can be mis-use by the one who earn it. Most people failed to love because of there past events. However, we must trust [one way or the other]. Some trust there parent, friends, partner, et cetera. Where trust becomes good is when we have perfect persons signing an agreement of trust. The truth is, we aren’t perfect [when it comes to human relation], so don’t expect a perfect trusted relationship. The bad side of trust is deception. Deception is an enemy of trust; and it is one things that destroy trust and end-up stabbing people who have trusted on there back. The wound of this truce called deception takes a period to heal.

May be not all but some. As I have said earlier, you can’t do without trusting at least one person. It something that is part of us, that God planted into us. Humans are imperfect. And what you see from imperfect people is imperfection. Therefore, it’s not advisable to trust all friends. However, it does not mean we should believe everybody we meet can’t be trusted. Don’t see people as an enemy or untrustworthy; rather, see them as imperfect beings who need love to be brought into balance.

My answer is: Why not? We need to put it at the back of our minds that trust brings loyalty. The evilness parading different generations of mankind have made it hard to trust. Does that make it wrong for us to trust people? Capital NO! If you want love, you give it first; likewise if you want people to trust you, you must trust them first. I know it’s hard; it’s the same way we learn to love our enemies. Before you are trusted you must stand in the position of a trustworthy person and must look beyond the faulty parts of the other person.

First and foremost, trust God. Secondly, don’t trust humans so much, remember they are imperfect; so that when they fail you, your expectations will not be caught short. Don’t be confused, this is what I mean: Don’t over-rely on people, they will fail you; rely on God Only!
The reason most people are hurt is because they trust too much, or I should say they over expect/ rely on others for the solution to there problems or challenges in life. It is right to trust but, don’t over-rely on them [this mean expect the good and bad in every situation], that is trust.

How do you earn people’s trust? It is easy to say but hard to convince a person to trust you. It’s a hard game in which all odds must be defeated. If you truly love someone you have to prove it, likewise if you truly want someone’s trust, you have to prove it. The mystery about trust is that the one you believe to be an enemy may end up becoming your best friend (although not always), and as such, you end-up trusting such person. An enemy becomes a best friend because his/her weakness and strength is well noted by you. As an adage say: ‘The devil you know is better than the angel you just met’ this means, before you trust, please and please, try to know the good and bad part of such person [may be not all but most].

The quality of your trust must be base on ‘how much you know about the person.’ If you guys just met, trust a bit. Meanwhile, on the long run, trust bit-by-bit, until you fully know and understand the person inside-out. Remember; don’t trust too much, Humans are a group of imperfect beings. Only God can be rely upon, because He is the only perfect one.

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